María Jesús Martín


George Harrison

"Discover spirituality through its songs."

The book

Behind that door that keeps us in the daily vision of the difficulties of the material world, lies a universe full of light waiting to be revealed. In the same way, George Harrison’s songs contain an immense spiritual knowledge, transmitted in a very subtle way through the years.
This work takes you into a journey through the fundamental concepts of spirituality, explained from the author’s own experience and intense study, which will finally place you in a state of understanding, being ready to immerse yourself in the most intimate compositions of Harrison, decrypting and revealing its true spiritual meaning.
A beautiful commitment to the legacy of the musician that will lead, both George Harrison fans and those interested in the spiritual world, towards becoming aware of the reality of light and love that shines within you. 

«It often happens that the music we listen to simply attracts us, without feeling the need to analyze why. But how many of us stop to internalize the message of those songs?»

Reader comments

33% of the profits will be donated to the George Harrison Material World Foundation.

«After several months diving into the theoretical information that the books gave me and doing various workshops and courses that allowed me to experience the theory in a closer way, I felt the need to experience my first mediumistic reading. «Ask and it shall be given to you,» says the spiritual realm. This reading was followed by an achievement of unexpected experiences, such as visualizations of spiritual energies and fractal images; buzzing; premonitory dreams; images that appeared as if on a full color movie screen in front of my eyes, while I was wide awake; little astral journeys. The spiritual awakening surprised me deeply; I wasn’t expecting it, I wasn’t looking for it. It all came to me spontaneously.»

The author
I discovered Beatlemania in 1989, at the young age of fourteen. The Liverpool band had such an impact on me that from the first moment i became involved in the fan phenomenon, looking for ways to spread their music. In the early 1990s, at the age of nineteen, my constant contact with the radio stations, newspapers and music magazines led me to get a personal interview with actor Ian Hart, portrayed as John Lennon in the acclaimed film Backbeat. Throughout three decades i have carried out numerous initiatives, in which I have contacted with some members of The Beatles as well as friends and relatives of their inner circles and in which a multitude of fans have participated. Following the passing of my father in 2020, i experienced an unexpected and profound spiritual awakening, culminating in me identifying and understanding the spiritual concepts conveyed by George Harrison in his songs. Being very aware of the rush of our daily lives, my desire is to be able to transmit these concepts in a simple, brief, and enjoyable way, same as they have been transmitted to me by the Universe and for which I will be eternally grateful. I work in communications and live in Madrid (Spain).

Suddenly George Harrison’s phrase from the song Circles came to my head like a flash: ‘He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know, and i go round in circles’ and then I realized that I wanted to build a bridge between those two paths, making George’s teachings more understandable to The Beatles fans and, at the same time, revealing to the people interested in the spiritual world the wonderful universe within George Harrison.

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